What is VR? VR, short for virtual reality, is a form of interactive software that immerses users in a three-dimensional environment — usually by way of a headset with special lenses — to simulate a real experience. Ideally, VR allows people to simulate the experience in 360 degrees. Numerous industries are now finding uses for VR in order to transport people to places they might otherwise have to travel to, or simply imagine. While movie companies, for example, are giving audiences the opportunity to experience the movie as if they’re a character in the scene, conventional businesses are now using VR to demonstrate and promote their products to potential customers.

Recently One2One Group did an activation for UJ using the VR Headsets to help them with their 4th Industrial Revolution launch. But what is the fourth industrial revolution? The fourth industrial revolution refers to new ways in which we introduce and use technology into our societies. An example would include robotics, artificial intelligence, and nanotechnology. The world is on the verge of a technological revolution that will impact every aspect of human existence. It will change how we communicate, consume, produce and – ultimately – it will change mankind. The Fourth Industrial Revolution – or, to give it its rather funky acronym, 4IR – will see a deeper integration of technology into societies and the human body. This will be made possible by advancements in the fields of robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), nanotechnology, quantum computing and biotechnology, as well as the Internet of Things (IoT), 3D printing and autonomous vehicles. Take a look at what we did: For more information on how we can assist you with your events, please contact us for information.

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Telephone: 011 783 3323

Website: www.one2onegroup.co.za

One2One Group – “A Passion For Excellence”